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Vet clinic hangs signs warning about resident cat’s problems

A vet clinic has shared hilarious insight into life as a cat owner with all the signs it has hung up in the building to warn clients of its resident cat’s antics.
Dog owner Logan Kersey captured footage of the many warnings about Simba on a recent visit to the McClendon Veterinary Clinic in the US and shared the video on Instagram.
He made the clip funnier by adding the chorus of Taylor Swift’s hit song Anti-hero to the clip with the words “It’s me, hi, I’m the problem, it’s me” as the backing track.
Watch the video above.
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“Simba is a problem,” Kersey captioned the video.
The first sign featured in the Instagram reel is an expected warning: “Please shut front door behind you so Simba does not get out.”
The signs get funnier and quirkier from there.
In another room a sign with a photo of Simba says, “!Caution! Simba may bite if his rear end is touched.”
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On the wall behind a toilet another sign reads, “Please keep door shut. Simba will get into the toilet and drink toilet water.”
This was followed by yet another sign warning to shut the door so Simba doesn’t escape and then the clip revealed the most surprising sign.
“Please do not let Simba eat your hair, he will get sick. Thank you!”
Kersey’s video ended with a shot of Simba sitting on a bench looking slightly sheepish but unaware of the fuss he has caused.
The vet clinic seemed to find the video funny, re-sharing it on its Facebook page with the caption “Our Simba has gone Viral” accompanied by a heart and rolling on the floor laughing emoji.
Those who watched Kersey’s video found it hilarious but also relatable.
“The fact that these signs are all written differently and in different pages lets me know that it started out with 1 sign and then more and more had to be added,” one said.
Many admitted that they expected Simba to be an orange cat based on all the problems he is claimed to have.
“Knew he was an orange cat from the very first sign,” one wrote.
“Your honour my client isn’t guilty he’s just orange,” another commented.
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But Simba seemed to have plenty of support from cat lovers
“I already love Simba. He is a problem and I like it,” a viewer said.
“He’s orange it’s in his DNA he can’t help it,” commented a follower.
“Where is Justice?? Where is Freedom for Simba,” wrote one.
“I feel like everyone else is the problem and Simba is perfect the way he is,” another posted.
There also seemed to be a lot of people who have or know of orange cats named Simba who are quite problematic, which might be something to keep in mind when choosing a cat and its name.
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